Hello handsome 😍

Baby’s first service.

So here we go... T-minus one day to my epic cycling challenge. Bruce has had a service and looks all shiny and ready for our adventure; plus my brakes work for the first time in ages which is nice!

Sorry Tom, I know we only just got married but for the next 30 days it’s all about this guy ❤️

Cycle 300.

What exactly is it that I’m doing then? Well it is a sponsored cycling challenge for Cancer Research UK called Cycle 300. It involves cycling 300 miles during September either all in one ride, over the weekends or just slogging away nearly every day getting the miles in. The third option is how I have chosen to tackle it. I can’t do this during September because I’ll be in Vietnam on my honeymoon (soz not soz) so I’ve had to bring it forward a bit, in a 30 day period from Sunday 5th August to Monday 3rd September. 

Why?  Numerous reasons which I shall expand on in a future post but the gist of it is that I love cycling, G just won the Tour, Cancer Research UK is an extremely worthy cause, and I’m having an existential crisis about turning 30 on September 1st! Just kidding, not that last one 😜

I’ll use this blog to track my progress so my sponsors/believers/doubters can see proof of my efforts. I’ll try and link my Strava up - oh I guess now is a good time to say sorry to my Strava followers for spamming their feeds with every single minute I spend on my bike! I may also blog about some other things such as my inspiration and probably some other musings on life as a cyclist. 


My Just Giving page is https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/heathers-cycle-300-fundraising-page-2 if you’d like to support me (please do!). 

Ta-ra for now,
Heather x


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